Barmakov Vladimir Grigoryevich 025 |
Vladimir Grigoryevich Barmakov (born 10-12.1944) is a well-known Russian historian of phillumenia as an independent type of collecting. Honorary head of the Moscow Club of Philumenists "Souvenir" named after V.M. Bogdanov, member of the Union of Professional Writers of the Russian Federation. Author of more than twenty fundamental books on the topic of philology - "Matches in the struggle for our victory in the Great Patriotic War", M., ed. "Russian School", 2019. "Censorship and artists of match labels", Moscow, ed. "Econ-Inform", 2020. "Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Philumenist", Moscow, Publishing Technologies JSC, 2017. "The history of the country on match labels", M., ed. Eksmo, 2008. "The history of the decorative art of match products", Moscow, ed. "Econ-Inform", 2021. "Philumenia is the science of matches and match labels", type. Vladimir, 2001. "Catalog of match labels and booklets of Leningrad 1941-1945",, "Catalog album of match labels of the Great Patriotic War", Moscow, CJSC "Kudesnik", 2004. "Catalog - album of match etiquettes of tsarist Russia", type by G. Vladimir, 2002. "Philumenia and the history of the development of match-label production in Tsarist Russia", M. tip. MGUtp, 2000. "Philumenia and the history of the development of match-label production in the USSR", M. tip. MGUtp, 2000. "Catalog - album of export match labels of Russia" (4 books), Moscow , CJSC "Kudesnik", 2004. "Moscow match factory during the Great Patriotic War", M., type. "Public, 2024. "The labor years of the Balabanov match factory", M., type. "Pablit", 2024. and others .